Thursday, September 21, 2006

Anderson, Lessig and the long tail

Chris Anderson, the champion of the "Long Tail", advertises on his blog an event at the New York Public Library where he and Lawrence Lessig of Stanford University and the Creative Commons Foundation converse about "The Rise and Fall of the Blockbuster".

This may be good news for those living in New York or close by. For the rest it is of little use to know that the event happens on Thursday, September 28, 2006 at 7:00 PM at the Celeste Bartos Forum and that admission is $15 for nomembers and $10 for $10 library donors, seniors and students with valid identification.

I wonder why Anderson, Lessig, and the NYPL don't exploit the long tail that consists of the many people who would be willing to spend a few bucks to listen in over the Internet. It is a pitty that Anderson missed the opportunity to drive demand down the long tail.



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