Thursday, August 18, 2011

Don't do what you preach

I was googling the web for a source on how to write good science wikis.
I went to this link:

Opening science to all: Implications of blogs and wikis for social ...

 - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]
von B Zivkovic - 2007
Editor, The Open Laboratory: The Best Writing on Science Blogs 2006. ... such as blogs andwikis to provide open channels for their social and ...

Which took me to this website:



A growing number of scientists are turning to Web2.0 communication tools such as blogs and wikis to provide open channels for their social and scholarly discourse. Because of these tools, scientists are increasingly able to share data, results, and analysis of research (scholarly communication) with distant, and sometimes unknown peers, and are also able to enter the realm of scientific commentary (social communication) with the general public.  ...

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Is this an open channel for scholarly discourse? Are the authors serious about their topic?