Friday, March 21, 2008

Find Lost Web Pages

Wired How-to-Wiki provides help for people who are searching for a lost web pages. Three services are listed:
  1. Coral Cache
  2. Internet Archive
  3. Wayback Machine
Coral Cache helps to find web pages that from servers that have been overwhelmed by high traffic. The two others are useful when a web page has been removed.

Friday, March 14, 2008

New web interface?

"personal computer users have continued to live under the tyranny of the mice, windows, icons and pull-down menus originally invented at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in the 1970s and popularized by Apple and Microsoft in the next decade" write the New York Times on March 9, 2008. Too true. The user interface with the web has become standardized and boring.

But apparently there is hope.


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Government offline: Why business succeeds on the web and government mostly fails

In a "special report on technology and government" The Economist asks in his issue of Feb 14th 2008:

"Why is government unable to reap the same benefits as business, which uses technology to lower costs, please customers and raise profits? The three main reasons are lack of competitive pressure, a tendency to reinvent the wheel and a focus on technology rather than organisation."

From the persepctive of Wolf's old book on "Markets or Governments", the failure of governments to make intelligent use of the internet is quite predictable.


Six productivity tips to use social media

Jose Quesada asks on the Academic Productivity blog:
How can you take advantage of the current craze about social media?

He gives six answers:
1 - Benefits are not immediate
2 - Reputation can be built fast, but destroyed faster
3 - Not all social networks are created equal
4 - Social media will help diversifying your interests
5 - Getting the attention of a public you won’t reach otherwise
6 - Extend your network, then take it off-line